Casting the floor of the beit midrash

On the eve of Sukkot - the holiday of temporary dwellings, we were privileged to cast the floor of the Beit Midrash. We pray that we will witness the culmination of the verse, "May I dwelt in the house of the Lord all the days of my life."

04 October

After the excavation of the mikvahs was completed, the construction of the skeletons of the bathrooms and the mikveh floor - the construction went up one floor to the beit midrash floor!

On the days of Tishrei, we mark a new and important beginning - the flooring of the Beit Midrash floor. Even in the laws of the State of Israel, casting the floor is an important and significant stage in which payment is transferred to the contractor because it is a stage in which the building is no longer a dream but a living and existing reality.

We are in difficult times for the people of Israel and for the whole world. However, construction is progressing non-stop. We are confident that it is the right of the Torah and its students that gives strength to continued growth!

We will continue to study Torah, we will continue to build, and with God's help, we will announce more good news!